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“Before being a conscious spectacle, every landscape is a dream experience”


G. Bachelard




Based on the analysis of various social, political, and cultural situations in the Latin American context, my interest is focused on addressing problems of decolonial dynamics within the historical framework represented by the Colombian “post-conflict”.


Because of the violence that has plagued Colombia for more than sixty years, many ecosystems have remained preserved for decades. Now, after the signing of the peace agreement in 2016, conflicts have intensified to define territorial limits among the natives, who want to include new areas within protected reserves. Nonetheless, multinationals seek to extend the limit allowed for their exploitations, protected by the discourse of “technological advance” that, contradictorily, intends to rescue us from the current climate crisis at the expense of the same ecosystem.


The dilemma of finding alternatives to fossil fuels forces us to move towards “clean energies” without thinking about the implications of the development of new technologies that require large amounts of minerals such as gold, lithium, and rare earths. These resources, whose extraction processes are highly destructive and polluting, deepen the differences between prosperous countries, exploiters and developers of technology, and developing countries, subjected to the exploitation of their resources.


A starting point is the reflection from José Roca, director of FLORA ars + natura, who believes that “the only way to be international is to be deeply local.” I investigate events that go unnoticed, looking for a way to give them new perspectives, thus creating stories that can be read in different contexts. The focus is on analyzing situations derived from current global crises and how they are reflected in ecosystems.

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